Robofocus driver download
Extrema: the movement of the focuser and the position setting can be limited. Power: set the four digital outputs used for optional RoboFocus accessory Maximum travel: to me the RoboFocus documentation is unclear.
Set register Position: set the counter to the value given in the input field. Set register Backlash: define the amount of ticks. If the back lash correction and the absolute or relative movement have opposite signs RoboFocus will move into the negative direction of the main movement at the end.
Operation The INDI RoboFocus driver provides complete functionality for all the features supported by RoboFocus including relative and absolute positioning, temperature readout, and configuration parameters. Use the default settings for duty cycle, step delay and motor steps per tick a tick is a counter increment by one. Set the back lash correction only to a non zero value in case you measured it. RoboFocus is a slow device and sometimes the position needs to be read out separately.
That needs additional time. If the LED indicator became green again of given property the robofocus driver resumed normal operation regardless what happened before.
You can have a fine control of the focuser by setting the following parameters in the driver: Focus Direction: in or out with respect to the primary objective. Focus Speed: Since RoboFocus is based on a stepper motor, speed is constant. Focus Time: The duration of the focus motion in milliseconds before halt. Robofocus driver provides the following features: absolute and relative movement, resetting the counter to a given position, maximum and minimum travel, backlash compensation, duty cycle, step delay, number of motor steps per counter increment tick , the read out of the built in temperature sensor and the four output lines used to control the remote power modules optional accessories.
Issues There are no known bugs for this driver. Many users find that they can focus perfectly in only minutes after taking only a half dozen fast star images. With RoboFocus, you can make tiny changes to the focus setting so that you can finally take full advantage of the resolution of your optical system for either visual or imaging applications.
You can repeat a focus setting at will, and you can always get back to a setting that you found to be optimal. And, you can make these focus changes from your control room or observatory. Technical Innovations RoboFocus A world leader in manufacturing observatory domes, dome automation equipment, and remote control devices for astronomers - including RoboFocus.