Saxonica transform exe

For some files, Saxon gives me an error. This appears in a new command line window which is open for about 1 second, and then closes. I'm trying to capture that error message in a file. The fixerrors. This seems to be specific to Saxon. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow.

Learn more. There is one way how to use Saxon on. NET Core: via Transform. SaxonCS EE has been released and works with. NET 5 and. NET Core. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow.

Learn more. XSLT3 Options for. Asked 2 years, 7 months ago. Active 1 month ago. Show original message. Either email addresses are anonymous for this group or you need the view member email addresses permission to view the original message.

I have a VS project that I'm building with Jenkins. Now I'm trying to get running the unit tests to be a part of the build process. I'm running the tests with the VSTest Runner plugin, and that's working fine.

But I've not figured out how to publish the results. I have the VSTest Runner configured to log results to a trx file, and the file shows up in the TestResults directory of the Jenkins workspace, with a complicated, unpredictable name. And I see two grids below. The first is labeled "All Failed Tests", and has a row for each failed test. The second is labeled "All Tests", and has only one row, with a package of " root ".

Does the MSTest plugin support vstest. If so, why am I only getting partial results? Is it because I'm not passing the filename correctly?

If I'm not, how should I pass the filename between the two plugins? You can order a free license key for a day evaluation, or purchase an unrestricted license key from the Saxonica web site.

The license key will arrive in the form of a file named saxon-license. If you acquire Saxon-PE or Saxon-EE as a component of an application with which it has been integrated, the application may activate the software automatically using an OEM license key. In this case you do not need to acquire an individual license key of your own. Saxon on. NET is distributed with a number of sample applications.

These are issued together with Saxon-HE source code and documentation in a separate download file saxon-resources9-n. They are described here.


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