Ride today program
For a Safe-Ride-Home, they ask the public to call the Harbor Police dispatch at and advise them where you are and where you need to be safely delivered. Chiasson and Chief Kinler said they are glad to provide this service to the 10 th Ward community and would also like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Sign up for newsletters emailed to your inbox. Follow us on Twitter. Like us on Facebook. RIde schedulers may ask you to accept trip reservation times that are different from your original requested pick-up time, and your reservation time may be changed so that more passengers may be served. Some RIde trips are served by taxicabs when the need arises. The same fares apply to RIde trips served by cabs. Cabs cannot be requested. You must notify us of your cancellation as soon as possible and at least two hours before your scheduled pick-up time so that our buses will be free to pick up other passengers.
RIde reserves the right to suspend service for a reasonable period of time for riders who exhibit a pattern or practice of missing trips.
Traffic, weather, or other delays may sometimes result in a late pick-up that is unavoidable. Please wait until the end of the minute window before calling us to ask about your ride. We will make every effort to pick you up on time. All RIde service is door-to-door, as needed. Drivers are trained to assist you and are sensitive to your needs.
However, drivers do not enter homes and do not go beyond the main lobby of a building. Drivers are also not allowed to lift passengers or mobility devices up and down stairs. Passengers must make other arrangements for assistance in these cases. Drivers also are not allowed to carry grocery bags or other packages. For your safety and the safety of others, you must use a seatbelt at all times. If you need assistance, please ask your driver. If you use a wheelchair or other mobility device, your driver will secure the device using a four-point system and you must use a lap and shoulder belt in addition to any belts you may have on your mobility device.
In the event of an emergency, follow the directions of your driver. If there is a winter storm or other emergency, please watch for media announcements regarding RIde Service. Be sure that your entryway and walkways are clear of ice and snow. This will make it safer for our vehicles and drivers to get to you.
Severe Weather Policy. Drivers are not permitted to carry your bags. All students that are classified as socio-economically disadvantaged by the California Department of Education are qualified for the new SamTrans Youth Unlimited Pass. This includes students eligible for the free and reduced-price meal program, students experiencing homelessness, foster youth, migrant students, or students whose parents did not graduate from high school.
Districts will also administer an effectiveness survey to students and parents in March of next year. Once the survey is completed, a decision will be made about extending the pilot program into the next school year. Search Query Show Search.