Reset upper and lower filters windows 7

Right-click the drive name and select Enable. You might have to restart the computer. The drive should work correctly once it has been enabled. Use the steps in Software for burning discs does not recognize the drive to make the disc burning software detect the drive. Step 3: Resetting the power on computers running Windows 7 Under certain conditions the drive might lose communication with Windows, even after restarting Windows.

To reset the drive, do the following steps:. Select Start and then Shut down from the power menu. Wait until the computer fully shuts down and then disconnect the power cord from the computer. If you have a notebook computer, remove all batteries from their compartments, wait 10 seconds, and then reinsert the battery or batteries.

If your notebook computer has a battery that is sealed within the computer's case, a battery that cannot be removed easily, skip this step. Turn on the computer and wait for Windows to start. If you are using a notebook computer, skip to Step 5. Be careful not to slide skin along any interior metal edge of the computer. To reduce the chance of ESD damage, work over a non-carpeted floor, use a static dissipative work surface such as a conductive foam pad , and wear an ESD wrist strap connected to a grounded surface.

Turn off the computer, unplug all cords from the computer, and then press the Power button on the front of the computer for five seconds. Figure : Power cable and data cable. Reinsert the power and data cables into the back of the drive making sure the cables fit snugly into their connectors and making sure there are no bent pins. Be careful not to dislodge other cables. Figure : Replacing the side panel.

If the drive name appears , the drive is recognized by the BIOS and should also be recognized by Windows. If Windows recognizes the drive, you are finished. If Windows does not recognize the drive, repeat Step 2 to see if the drive name appears in Device Manager and troubleshoot disc burning software if needed. If the drive name still does not appear , replace the cable, the drive, or have the computer serviced. Step 5: Clearing the upper and lower registry filters on computers running Windows 7 Clear the registry filters for Device Manager error codes 10 , 19 , 31 , 32 , 39 or 41 using the following steps:.

If you cannot use the Microsoft Fix it Solution, continue using these steps to clear the upper and lower registry filters manually.

Unplug all non-essential external plug and play devices, especially cameras. Then complete the following steps. Click Start , and then enter regedit into the Search field. Click regedit. Figure : Search for regedit. If you are prompted for an Administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation. Figure : Registry Editor. Click File , click Export , type a filename that is easy for you to remember, and then click Save.

A copy of the registry has been saved for back-up purposes to the Documents folder. If problems occur after using these steps, browse to the file and double-click it to restore the registry. Make sure you have selected this exact key name. If a LowerFilters value is listed on the right side of the registry editor window, select the LowerFilters value and press the Delete key. Confirm the deletion by clicking Yes.

Figure : Registry Editor: LowerFilters key. If an UpperFilters value is also listed, select UpperFilters in the right window and press the Delete key. Close the Registry Editor and restart the computer. The disc drive should now be recognized by Windows. Step 6: Testing for drive failure on computers running Windows 7 If you suspect that the drive might be bad after using the previous steps, test the drive to see if the hardware has failed.

If the drive test fails, the drive needs to be replaced or the computer needs to be serviced. Hi Kcs25 I'm hoping you created a System Restore point before trying to edit the registry. Choose the System Restore option should allow you to revert to he restore point you created. Xess Philip. Hi, I had the same problem.

My DVD drive did not show up on my computer. As I searched for a solution on the internet, I came to know that the problem must be due to Windows 8. That was frustrating. Thought for going to the service center and spend some extra bucks for repair. Then today, I used the support center and did a diagnosis. It showed only one problem error: boot speed slow. I clicked on the error to resolve it and it showed Superfetch auto fixing.

Enable superfetch to make boot and application speed faster. I shut down the PC as I had to go out for a few minutes. Later, when I switched it on, after a few minutes a popup showed up at the bottom near the hidden icon sata unknown disk removed and heard the similar purr of the DVD drive.

I played a cd and it works fine. Hope it stays that way. I would request all IT geeks to explain what had gone wrong with my pc and how the problem was solved. You must log in or register to reply here. Similar threads. Neural Filters in Photoshop can easily intensify facial expressions or quickly colorize Replies 5 Views 1K. Oct 24, Bp Utah may introduce bill requiring porn-blocking filters on all new phones. Did you complete the troubleshooter for the drive that still does not work?

There are some registry entries that the troubleshooter does not fix and those "might" be the cause. Check with your System Maker and Device maker for both possible firmware updates and the correct Registry entries for your drive. Be sure to ask for specific keys involved as well as the settings. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback. This thread is locked.


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