Solar street light system pdf
Compact fluorescent lamp takes the eight times extra in compared to the incandescent lamp Hybrid solar panel is the made of both combinations also. Incandescent lamp is less leverage cost then the organic and inorganic. These organic and inorganic compact fluorescent light but the compact fluorescent structure is worked in hybrid for the donor and light has the extra lifetime and less electric bill then he acceptable.
The organic structure donates the power and incandescent light. The inorganic structures are accepting the power in form of electricity.
Types of compact fluorescent light Hybrid solar panel is the latest technology in the industries for providing the better efficiency to other Compact fluorescent light are two types: solar products. Hybrid solar system is not only the purpose of solar collecting but also it scales the power of 1.
Integrated compact fluorescent lamp panel collecting. Compact fluorescent lamp has available in the market and reduced the price of electric bill more than the incandescent lamp. It has larger size of tube to the show the better luminaries. Led light has AH made of 1mm2 area bulbs in a series. Blue and white light has made on the vital different crystal segments of nucleon but the causes of the high brightness and high efficiency it has replaced the CFL, Incandescent lamp and fluorescent lamp.
Table 9: LED light average lumen in watt per day It has fix of ballast in internal of the fixture. CFL light are using in the street light projects. CFL light has replaced the incandescent lamp in street light area causing the saving of the energy and the control the resisting of power of the battery.
Many countries have used the CFL in street light at the urban and rural area. Miniature led light Fluorescent tube is also used in street light. CFL light has 2. Ac driven led light electric saving. Miniature led light Table 7: CFL in average lumen in watt per day Miniature led light mount of the single die led which used in the indicator. The manufacturing of the miniature led light is 2mm to 8mm and in the distinctive current.
High power led light CFL will glow 10 hour in a day High power led light is need of the more than mA and current.
Air conditioner light needs the ac driven light. Ac driven light control in the ac circuit and the very simple circuit for driven the ac driven led light. Ac driven led light are widely use in traffic signals and the automobile indicators. Street light for rural and urban area.
To communication the data and other signal Light emitted diode is the light source in the integrated resources. Light emitted diode has the fixture and ballast in 4. In basic light and other lighting resources. Light emitting diode has emitted the 5. For saving the energy utilization. To show the data in machineries. In electronic contact lens. Automated control system in sensors which works measured responsible to the changes in physical 3.
The outcome of the automated street Table Led life in hour and year light has major result of the market and expected to grow up the outcome result will increase dramatically with the new generation of street light.
Battery is the device which connected to the two or more cells in the series and the parallel. Battery is also the power of single cell.
Each cells are consist the liquid, gas and solid 3. Battery is working as the electrodes Automated control system is using the street light to in form of power then the electrons are work throughout switching ON and OFF instead of work manually.
The the cells and the electric current flow in the system. The organization of energy has worked on the street light to positive electrode is work on the cathode rod and the generate the automatic control system. They have not negative electrode work on the anode rod.
So, they have 3. To changes of economic problems dynamic, using the There are two types of battery: national and international of modernization has prepared the supply cost of energy, effectiveness become 1. Primary battery the major roll of the street light.
Then need to be the 2. Secondary battery quite acceptable function in street light. As like to consideration of traffic problems and reducing the 3. Primary battery or single cell battery are used as the The reduction of operational cost in automated system irreversible cells once electrode materials during the has made the main function of solar street light. It does discharged. The alkaline batteries are use in the portable not affect the any emission in environment.
Primary battery does not charge after the discharge of any system. Secondary battery can be discharge and the charge as it current at the multiple times. The composition of the anode and cathode can be restoring the current. The worldwide battery companies has generated the more efficiently battery in the market. Batteries have more specified fuel used like the gasoline. Battery has the voltaic cells who converts the directly the chemical energy to the electrical energy.
The calculation of solar panel has defended to the watt per uses in street light and how is it effective. Solar Street light is the friendly Fig. If we calculate the theoretically values of the Ampere is required. Our calculation is done by taking necessary losses for practical economical of our solar street light. For the sufficient road which has width of 12 foot in rural areas. It is seen that led have numerous advantage if used in street light system with cost and energy usage reduction.
The main aim of this study was to reduce the cost and energy consumption in solar street light system; from the graph we conclude that the replacement of CFL with the LED is efficient with decrease in consumption of electricity. Led shows adventurous for every parameter we discus in terms of lumen , cost, height etc than CFL Consideration and analysis between the two above solar street light systems has been formulated. Solar Street light is achieves the good position of the global market.
Solar street light has become the friendly and economically for the streets of rural and urban areas in India. Now the street light has become the main power of the renewable energy sources. We have studied in this project how street light is beneficial and efficient to the government of India in Rajasthan. Rajasthan is using the high present technology in solar street light in rural and urban area. Solar Street light in LED light is best for installation and high efficiently.
LED light is increasing and good for cost effectiveness. LED street light has less maintenance and the save electricity in actual due to this it has become the motivation part of the solar street light. We have also discussed about the how street light reduced the criminal cases in rural area and urban area in night. Table 20 Cost comparison for street light In this paper we have replaced the fluorescent lamp to the CFL and study how efficient CFL as compare to the fluorescent lamp.
The calculation of LED light is show the life more time period as compare to another lamps. We can study in the various parts of street light and 4. Many parameters works in the solar street light which can change the life All above data of solar street light in rural areas in India has shown in optimum value of the solar street light.
In of rural people. Solar Street lights are the best this solar street light system led is used to conserve technology to save the cost and easy to installation. We energy and to bypass the use of conventional lamp CFL can recommend the SPV Street light in the rural areas in which decreases the life and efficiency of battery. In this India.
Solar Street light has the good efficiency and we solar street system inverter is not used instead of it dc can modify the street light in future. The various lamp are used the result is analyses with the help of modifications of solar street lights are following: data as shown and also with the help figures.
Electricity transmission pole are type of lightning required. Bhuvaneswari, R. Rajeshwari, C. Oke A. Martin A. The survey of the report of rural area has the installation of street light in needed 4. The scope of this project is to design street light using one of the renewable energies, solar panels. Developing a grid system is often excessively expensive, as it consumes excessive fuel, its running cost is pretty expensive than any other renewable energies solar energy, in this case. In addition, when an accident happens, the consequence of the accident is very crucial in grid systems.
So using solar panels for street lights is much more efficient than any other sources. This is because, the running cost is cheap, as every pole has its own solar panel, battery, inverter or controller, sensor and lamp, there is no any external input needed. The only cost needed is installation cost and after certain time, replacing the materials which are installed. The scope of the project is to design and deliver the project in a time of not more than 2 months and with the cost of up to , USD to a specific community.
Like hiring skilled workers, gathering necessary information for the design, designing the components according to the information surveyed , purchasing the components which fulfill the specifications of the design part and finally inspecting the implemented project is one of the key scope of the project. In this, the position of the poles along the road, the height of the poles, thickness of the poles should be convenient to the traffic rules of transportation.
Similarly the area coverage should be upon the interest of the community living around and should solve the problem of the community. The other key point is to make sure the components solar panels, batteries, lamps, charge contorlers and sensors should have the same specification and quality as proposed by the designer. Consultation will be given to the representatives of the community for two weeks on any case of the project.
Solar Panel based street lightning 1. For instance, depending on the solar radiation of the area, weather is it exposed to pollution, fog, rain the rating and type of the solar panel which is convenient to the site area is designed.
Similarly depending up on the geographical information, the quantity of the materials required, the power rating of the solar panels, the length and thickness of the poles and their structure, battery type and lamp type can be designed. So job announcement or similar activities should be done to hire employees.
So on the supervision of engineers, civil workers dig tranches according to the design of the poles. This task should be supervised by technicians, to check the height, thickness and the structure of the pole. According to the specification of the design that is done in the design of components part the solar panels size, power rating, tolerance for wind and type should be checked and installed.
Batteries store electricity from solar panels during day time and deliver this energy to the fixture during night. The life cycle of battery is very important to the lifetime of light and capacity of battery will affect the backup days of the lights. The battery based on its type, power specification that are specified on the design part, will be installed.
Led lights are usually used for lightning source for modern solar light. These lights provide much higher lumens with lower energy consumption.
LED lights give energy consumption up to 50 percent lower than high pressure sodium lamp HPS which is widely used as lightning source in traditional street lights. Specification should be concurrent with the specifications of batteries and solar panels as already done in the design part. So this part will be done after the erection of the pole, installation of solar panel and battery. The main functions of charge controllers are to prevent over-charging of batteries from solar panels, over-discharging of batteries to the load and to control the functionalities of the load.
In this case the street light must have auto on and off and must have at least two state of dimming function to save energy, from dusk to dawn. The Engineers and technicians should inspect or check if all the components are working properly. As a general it is checking of the proper working of the project which is solar panel based street lightning. Starting from this idea, the top bottom cost estimation is used to distribute the estimated cost to the smallest deliverables.
Labor cost i 12 Casuals working for 6 days each 15 per day 2, ii 4 Technicians working for 20 days each 25 per day 3, iii 1 contracted service Engineer during the whole project duration 3, iv Project Manager for 35 days 6, 3.
Depending on the above information, the percentage cost of each deliverable or WBS is estimated in the diagram below. Based on this, estimated duration and interrelationship of the activities are inserted into the software. The duration for each activity is calculated based on the formula below. Values for the variables a, b, m are assigned by inspection.
Fig 1. Preliminary schedule of the project From the above table we can see that we have the critical activities 2,4,5,7,9,10,12,15,16,18, And also the activity which have the most total slack is activity 6, purchasing of components which have the duration of 9 days.
The projected is planned to start on December 21, and to finish on which takes 35 days of working days. The following figures show the Gant chart and the network diagram developed using the above information. Fig 2. The duration of the project is given as 35 days. The Gant chart after resource allocation to each activities will be given in the next section.
Similarly the network diagram is also given below. As in the table all the information about, early start ES , early finish EF , late start LS , late finish LF and duration of each activities is displayed in the network diagram. The critical paths in the network diagram are those with zero slacks. This is according to preliminary schedule of the project. Fig 4. Resourse allocation table The above table shows the deliverables and the resourses of the project.
Each deliverable is done by specific resource and the cost required per day of the resource is also displayed. In this project the resources are fixed and as it is observed in the table, the red color indicates, at some period with in the duration of the project, the labor resources are over allocated.
Something should be done to solve such problem. The only option is to crash the resources, as the project is resource constrianed. The result will be explained in the next sections. Similarly, the table below shows clearly the resources of each activity or deliverable and the estimated duration of each activity.
The man power of this project is, one Engineer, one Project Manager, four technicians and twelve causual workrs. The total time is 35 days, still this acording to preliminary schedule.
Fig 5. Resource assigned to a specific task 6.